Division of Business and Finance

Executive Team
The Division of Finance & Administration is a team of professionals committed to the delivery of innovative, effective and efficient customer services while maintaining fiscal integrity. Jackson State University’s personnel are those employees who consistently show up for work on time, meet their job responsibilities and obligations, and demonstrate a commitment to the organization’s goals and values.
Howard Brown, Jr., Vice President/Chief Financial Officer
Office: 601-979-3060
Email: howard.brown@sydotnet.net
Porscha Miner, Associate Vice President for Business & Finance
Office: 601-979-5860
Email: porscha.miner@sydotnet.net
LaSabre Rice, CPA, Director of Accounting and Financial Reporting
Office: 601-979-1366
Email: lasabre.c.charleston@sydotnet.net
Jewell Harris, Executive Director of Business Office
Office: 601-979-2205
Email: jewell.e.harris@sydotnet.net
Tammiko Harrison, Executive Director of Budget and Financial Analysis
Office: 601-979-2345
Email: tammiko.l.harrison@sydotnet.net
Kimberly Harris, Director of Procurement Services
Office: 601-979-0978
Email: kimberly.r.harris@sydotnet.net
Jonathan Jackson, Senior Treasury Analyst
Office: 601-979-2888
Email: jonathan.r.jackson@sydotnet.net
Latisha Martin, Executive Assistant
Division of Business and Finance
Office: 601-979-3060
Email: latisha.l.martin@sydotnet.net